The heavyweight gives way to cleaner options

-by Jessica Sellin Heavy fuel oil is among the dirtiest of fuels, yet it is the most common of marine fuels, and has been so ever since the motor ship started to dominate in the mid-1900s. This toxic sludge of residual oil is high in particulate matter and sulfur, both of which can lead to … More The heavyweight gives way to cleaner options

Green Goals

-by Emily Weaver Many city governments understand that changes in their citizens’ ways of life must be made in order to keep the city sustainable. There is a lot of talk about how to become “green”, but in most places there is not much action and initiative. However, Växjö, Sweden is changing this trend. Led … More Green Goals

Food Web: Sharing and Recycling Food via the Internet

  -by Eeva Hammar Today many websites offer useful information on how to prevent food waste. The simple idea of these websites is that you should plan better your shopping and think what you really need to buy. They also teach you how to store food correctly in the refrigerator for optimal temperatures to increase … More Food Web: Sharing and Recycling Food via the Internet

From farm to fork

-by Emma Davies   With the UN forecasting that the world’s population is set to reach 9.7 billion by 2050, issues related to food are becoming increasingly important. This causes major conflicts globally, including the issue of the looming question: how can we feed the ever-increasing population? One of the greatest threats affecting the food and … More From farm to fork

Don’t let your cash vanish into thin air

-by Alexander Hoffmann A recent report by the European Commission about sustainable heating and cooling in private houses, shops and industries found that there is enormous potential for savings. For example, about half of the boilers throughout Europe are older than 24 years, wasting large amounts of energy and thus money. Average households could cut … More Don’t let your cash vanish into thin air

Building for the future – A new sustainable cement industry

  -by Jesper Nyberg Greenhouse gas emitters like cars, airplanes and fossil fuel power plants get a lot of media attention regarding their part in global warming. But another big contributor to climate change is the cement industry, which is the source of approximately 5-8 percent of the world’s greenhouse gas emissions. These emissions are … More Building for the future – A new sustainable cement industry

The aviation biofuel project might go to waste

-by Jessica Sellin Currently we can run our cars on conventional fuel mixed with fuel derived from crops growing on the fields (e.g. sugar or corn). Some claim that these so called biofuels are the fuels of the future, produced with no net emissions of carbon dioxide. Others are not convinced since the cultivation of … More The aviation biofuel project might go to waste

The implications of climate change and our oceans chemistry

-by Emily Skibenes   Global warming poses an extreme threat to our world’s oceans. This tremendous ecosystem is a major component in the carbon cycle. Our vast ocean waters already absorb one-third of carbon emissions resulting from human activity. Although we know how the oceans cycle carbon, there is little known about the ecological effects … More The implications of climate change and our oceans chemistry